
Questions about improving your home? We have answers!

One of the most common questions that residents ask us is “where do I go for _____?” Homes are so personal to each family, and it’s important to have trusted sources of information that can help you in the way you need.

EnergySmart has partnered with Go Electric Colorado, a group of volunteer neighbor-to-neighbor advisors who can meet with you to answer questions and help you put together a plan to electrify your home and commute. You can schedule a free consultation with a Go Electric Colorado volunteer to help answer any questions you might have about what it is like to live in an all electric home.

Who to Ask

While your EnergySmart Advisor, a Go Electric Colorado volunteer, and your contractor each have different ways in which they can best support your electrification journey, there is no wrong person to contact between the three. Below, we’ve outlined who is best positioned to answer your questions:

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  • Non-biased general guidance
  • Rebates, tax incentives, and other financial questions
  • Contractor lists
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  • In-home electrification consults
  • Referrals to neighbors who have experience with electrification
  • Personalized recommendations
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  • Cost estimates and equipment specifications
  • Electrical panel upgrades
  • Other technical questions