Funds generated by the City of Boulder’s Solar Rebate Ordinance are used to provide grants for the installation of solar systems (photovoltaic and thermal) on individual housing units owned and occupied by low-to-moderate income-qualified residents.
City of Boulder residential solar grants are offered on a rolling, first-come basis to income-qualified homeowners:
- $1 per watt of system capacity
- Limited to 50% of total project costs after other incentives are applied, $8,000 maximum cap
Solar grants are subject to funding availability. Please consult the IRS or a tax professional regarding potential tax consequences for grant recipients.
To qualify for this grant, you must:
- Reside in the City of Boulder
- Sign up for EnergySmart
- Meet income qualification requirements
- Note: self-employed people should base eligibility from net income
Maximum Gross Income Levels:
- 1 Person Household: $82,580
- 2 Person Household: $94,375
- 3 Person Household: $106,170
- 4 Person Household: $117,970
- 5 Person Household: $127,420
How to Apply
- Enroll in EnergySmart if you haven’t already.
- Prepare the required income documentation for each employed household member and have them ready to upload:
- Copies of the two most recent federal tax returns—IRS Form 1040, only the page(s) reflecting the applicant’s name, address, and total gross income (net income if self-employed).
- Copies of two months of the most recent pay stubs or other evidence of monthly income.
- Complete the City of Boulder Residential Solar Grant Income Qualification Application.
For questions about income qualification and the grant program, please contact Sandy Briggs at BriggsS@bouldercolorado.gov or 303-441-1931.
For questions about EnergySmart or solar installation technical assistance, please contact us at info@energysmartyes.com.